Sunday, April 26, 2015

The authority irreverent speech at Wrestlemania 31

                     As much as it pains me to admit, you got to give the devil his due, I have to accept that Wrestlemania 31 was a very big moment for the authority. The evil clan does something remarkable, in nearly a year since the new regime had been in power that was the first time they came out really victorious, I was used to enjoy witnessind their fallacious win because they never won but always thought that they were victorious and even celebrate their losses. This time around it was a whole different story, the authority really out shined at Wrestlemania 31.

   The first win of the authority came at the end of the Andre the Giant royal rumble, when the Big Show came out the winner. Now the Big Show thinks he is the greatest giant in the WWE history, no he is not because the trophy he won was in honor of Andre the Giant. The last time I checked there is no trophy in the Big Show’s name, beside in a long run that was the Big Show’s first win at Wrestlemania. After all the Big Show is a super star that Mother Nature has really bonafide, he is an oversize man. Despite that huge advantage he never been the most dominant super star in WWE, in fact it been more than a while that he won anything significant. The only thing the massive man does is to moan, complain and feel sorry for himself, instead of going out there in ring to prove how dominant he could be. And now the Big Show is one of the down boys for the authority. Now he is just someone who come to work for a pay check and who does not have any exciting purpose like winning a title, because as long as he will be member of the authority he will have no future. In fact the authority has no plan for him especially when it comes to the future of the WWE, so the Big Show will just be the king maker like Kane nothing more. What a waste of talent!

The second win of the authority happened with the most epic match of all time in the history of Wrestlemania, I even deeply believe that this match was a kind of catalyses in the attendance broking record of Wrestlemania 31. It was a very much controversial match but at the end and in the book Triple H won over Sting. The fact that the vigilante came short pained me very much because he was very dominant until all the chaos helped Triple H to win. It was a win even though it was tinted, it like I said in this environment only two things matter win or lose, in any match specially of this proportion the only thing that matters is who gets his hand raised at the end. All the WWE universe was expecting Sting to win but the match was a real travesty and the result was what is was and there was nothing we can do to change it.

The third and last win of the authority stumped everyone, it was the most unexpected. In fact it was Seth cashing his money in the bank contract and winning the WWE world heavy weight championship. That happened like lightning touchdown, it happened so fast that it took the WWE universe to realize what just went down. I think for while Roman and Lesnar did not realize what was happening, anyways I have to admit it was a master victory. It very normal that no one was expecting that just because earlier in the night Seth lost to Randy, by the way the pine fall came with the most perfect and the most beautiful RKO in Randy’s career so far. Apparently Seth found the way to recover from that over the roof RKO and turned the championship match into a triple threats at the most perfect time.

Wrestlemania 31 been a success was for because of WWE universe fiver for the event, so the authority winning most of their matches did not give them any right to run down their mouth on the people. Anyways it was not the first time that kind of lack of respect came from the authority. It always has been like that, a constant lack of regard for the WWE universe.  The WWE universe is the sinews of the war for the McMahon, but they are all the time disrespectful at our regard. Stephanie and Triple H did behaved and shown the whole world what spoiled brat they were and always are by been very disrespectful border line impolite. While taking the floor at Wrestlemania instead of thanking the WWE universe they run their mouths and attributed all the credit of the success to themselves. I really think that we the WWE universe need to take our responsibility and teach them a lesson.

So if you read make sure that all the people you know read it too, and you can even add you comment until I publish what our revolution will be.


                                                                                You all be well!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Yestlemania 2.0

Yesteryear was the fist and biggest Yestlemania moment ever for Bryan, I think that was epic and will be very hard to beat it. In fact last year Bryan was in the opening match against Triple H and the stipulations was if he won he sure would go on to the main event and made the WWE world heavy weight championship match a triple threats. A few weeks before Wrestlemania the authority used all they power to injure him and make sure that he never would make to the D day, but Bryan’s tenacity and the WWE universe support carried him through.

              At the opening of Wrestlemania 30 Bryan took on Triple H and won, I guess the authority was stunned and dejected. The whole WWE universe was in ecstasy and chanted Yes so hard that Wrestlemania just faded away and left the room to Yestlemania. In fact at that very moment whether you liked the boy or not you were in total respect and admiration for him.  As it was stipulated Bryan had been added to the WWE world heavy weight championship, we were talking about to main event the biggest event when it comes to sport entertainment. Anyway at that point it was very hard to believe a second that Bryan would be able to pull this off while facing Randy and Batista. Of course that thinking ruled out the resiliency of the boy and his strong will to make it to the top of the mountain. Anyways long story made short, Bryan worked out with the WWE world heavy weight championship and became the united champion, the second super star in history to be the Champion of champions.                                         

                         Right after that he became the target to be eliminated; the authority used all their power and existence to destroy the boy. They put him through so much harming odds predicament that his body finally let him down. So Bryan been out for neck injury for nearly nine months, in the process he came at a point where there was no more hope that he would ever make back to in ring action. All it took from that moment on was one more chance to visit a new specialist to have his case resolved and nine months later Bryan was back. It is very hard to forget the taste of the victory when you ever climbed on the top of that mountain, so as soon as he made back he just went right back to work to be able to do it one more time what he did last year. Things did not work so well for him but none the less he still had his Wrestlemania moment. Bryan one more time was at in the opening match at Wrestlemania 31 this year, in fact it was for the Intercontinental title match. That championship match was a six men ladder match with the championship hung above the ring. Bryan one more time transformed Wrestlemania into Yestlemania by winning again the opening match at the grand stage of them all.

                 It filed exactly like Wrestlemania 31 started where Wrestlemania 30 ended, It was like Yestlemania kept running wild. Good job Bryan, you did it again!

                                               You all be well!



Monday, April 13, 2015

Roman Wrestlemania daring exploit

                Roman did earn the right to main event Wrestlemania, when he won the Royal Rumble Battle and silenced his critiques at FastLane. After he walked his way out of the crowd he knew that facing Lesnar would not be a picnic party. He then was aware of what he was asking for, so he prepared for the worst because that was how bad he was willing to win face to Lesnar. In fact everyone thought that Lesnar was invincible and will be the WWE world heavy weight champion as long as he wanted. Roman never denied any thing of Lesnar greatest ability in the square circle, but he also knew that the beast can be defeated. Roman came to Wrestlemania knowing that the task in hand will not be easy but he can beat Lesnar and he will.

            For being pushed and told that he cannot beat Lesnar Roman’s war slogan going to Wrestlemania was “I can and I will”. I truly believe that the fruit did not fail the promise of the flower, meaning that Roman’s performance face to Lesnar was more than bold. In fact he made Lesnar doubted of himself, so the beast was more than infuriated he was frustrated because he was not being able to put Roman away. The irony of the situation was every time Roman hit Lesnar in the face he made him bleed, in fact the next day on Monday night raw Roman’s feast mark was still visible in the beast face. The most remarkable thing was the more Lesnar was giving to Roman the more the boy was smiling, in fact that attitude really made Lesnar angry. It was Roman’s way to ask Lesnar that is all you got, I am coming for you. That daring attitude from Roman perfectly worked in his favor, that definitely helped him come back in force in the fight and while he took Lesnar at some extreme he was not prepared for.
                                                                                               You all, be well !

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Rock and Ronda Rousey electrifying appearance at Wrestlemania 31

                              The Rock was at Wrestlemania and was looking for the perfect time to come out and put some electricity in the air, the WWE universe always loves to the Rock comes back to WWE even if it is for just a moment. Then here comes the authority – the evil double headed serpent – running they mouths on the WWE universe, they even took credit for the record attendance at Wrestlemania 31. But they should notice that the main event that was going to be Roman VS Lesnar, and all the others matches made the ticket sell OK. As soon as the vigilante, the Icon Sting appeared in the picture it was then a new story, because no one was expecting Sting in a WWE ring in this life time. Better Sting was going to have his first match ever at Wrestlemania.

                 Anyways here was the double headed serpent taking the time to disrespect the people that are their sinews of the war, the WWE universe that is their source of riches. We have to remember that it was not the first time and it would not be the last; in fact it is the best you can expect from them. While they were being some spoiled brat out here the Rock joined them, of course something they did not appreciate. In fact the authority are always dejected when they don’t have any power over someone who stands up to them.  In fact they are more than power hungry and often cannot be over the mêlée, they are and behave like those spoiled, rich brat kids we all got to meet on the playground.

           The Rock was not kind with them at all, so to make a long story shot at a point the Rock got out of the ring and went to find Ronda Rousey who was a first row spectator and they both came back to the ring because the Rock is a gentleman and will not put his hand on a woman. So the situation got very face confrontational, and Rock and Ronda did not go easy on the authority, of course the evil double headed serpent went on retreat like some trapped animals. The next day Ronda said on twitter that it was just getting started, so wait and see what the future holes.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Undertaker redeemed at Wrestlemania

The phenom has an undisputable track record at Wrestlemanis, beside that he is a redoubtable fighter. He accomplished what no other super star ever did even come close to do; in fact the men had an awesome streak of twenty one consecutive wins at Wrestlemania. No one else even was able to pull five successive wins at the biggest stage of them all. Unfortunately the Undertaker pushed his luck one more time too far and too much, last year his streak had been broken by Lesnar. Science then no one heard from him, but at few months from Wrestlemania this year Bray Wyatt called the dead man out. The Undertaker finally came out and accept Bray’s challenge via a massage, I don’t know yet if the phenom is creating a new persona for himself or not, because he use to be out spoken but now it like he indulges the heavy silence. He came to Wrestlemania and just went on to compete and left without a word, even his look is kind of sexy.

The dead redeemed himself and his legacy by beating Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania it a remarkable thing. What brings me to Wyatt, in fact he called the phenom out just because he thought that his streak is broken and his is maybe too old to fight.  Anyway the reason why he called the Undertaker out does not matter, because it looks like that boy has no real purpose by coming at WWE. I think what matter to him the most is to have a pay check and just goofs around, while most of the other super stars are here for building their legacy by going after some championships. Bray intends to be charismatic, but at the end he is just a laugh bank, he came here with two other boys and they were called the Wyatt family but those boys abandoned him end even turned against him. He wanted to be the new face of fear, but he got it all wrong the Undertaker did not become the face of fear out of nothing. The Undertaker had a very prestigious legacy, but Bray since he came to WWE he never won a title maybe because he knows deep down he is not good and will never be able to win the big one. In reality all he does is running though some episodes of none sense and futile battles.